Cheap Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB kit (2-512MB) RDRAM Rambus RIMM PC800 40ns by Arch Memory

There are so many quality products available online, The Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB kit (2-512MB) RDRAM Rambus RIMM PC800 40ns by Arch Memory is our recommendation for you. The Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB kit (2-512MB) RDRAM Rambus RIMM PC800 40ns by Arch Memory is a popular product that everyone can invest on. People who have bought and used this product gave it great reviews and impressive ratings. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.

Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.

  • Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB (2-512MB)
  • RDRAM Rambus PC800 40ns RIMM desktop
  • The most prominent brand in RDRAM
  • Up to 2 GB RAM may be installed
  • Technology: RDRAM (Rambus DRAM)

Dell Dimension 8250 and 8200 upgrade. Please check your original memory before ordering. Not all 8250's or 8200 take this exact memory.

 Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB kit (2-512MB) RDRAM Rambus RIMM PC800 40ns by Arch Memory

Buy Dell Dimension 8250 8200 1GB kit (2-512MB) RDRAM Rambus RIMM PC800 40ns by Arch Memory

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