Best Offer Lithonia LK3GMW 3-Inch White Recessed Gimbal Kit, Matte White

There are many great products on the market today, The Lithonia LK3GMW 3-Inch White Recessed Gimbal Kit, Matte White is one that you should buy. The Lithonia LK3GMW 3-Inch White Recessed Gimbal Kit, Matte White is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.

Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.

  • Gimbal kit for recessed-lighting applications
  • Durable aluminum construction
  • Includes 1 G-type bulb, 50-Watts maximum
  • White trim included
  • UL listed for safety

Recessed lighting kits from Lithonia Lighting make shopping easy by conveniently including remodel housing, decorative trim and bulb all in one box. The 3-Inch white gimbal recessed kit includes a gimbal trim that provides directional accent lighting, a remodel housing and a 50-Watt incandescent bulb. UL Listed for safety.

 Lithonia LK3GMW 3-Inch White Recessed Gimbal Kit, Matte White

Best Price Lithonia LK3GMW 3-Inch White Recessed Gimbal Kit, Matte White

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